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Would you like to have your own song in Singa?
Would you like to have your own song in Singa?

How to get your song added to Singa

Written by Natalie
Updated over a month ago

Would you like to have your song in Singa?

If you represent a record company or you make your own music that you would like to be added to Singa, you can contact our Content Manager, Luca, by email at

As a producer or recording owner, distributing your music on Singa is very similar to streaming services. However, with Singa, you'll need a karaoke version of your song.

In our blog post we will go over everything you need to get you or your artists' music into Singa. The requirements vary whether you are an independent artist or represented by a label, so be sure to select the situation which reflects you.

Check our blog post here.


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