🛠 Key updates
We've been hard at work improving your karaoke experience! Here are the latest updates:
Web Updates
Easier to Navigate: Clicking "Go Back" now takes you to the previous screen instead of your last search term.
Improved Play Button: Hovering over songs now shows "Play" instead of "Preview" for clarity.
Accurate Queue Info: Fixed issues where the current song was included in total queue time and item count.
Bug Fixes: We've made it easier to report song errors and enhanced the visibility of venue opening hours.
Mobile App Updates (iOS & Android)
Smooth Scrolling: When you return from the player to the search list, it stays where you left off instead of scrolling to the top.
Song Reporting Made Easy: Reporting a song now closes the dialog automatically and shows a confirmation message.
New for iOS: Recent searches now have a handy menu for quick actions.
🎶Music and content updates
Top 10 newly added songs in December
This December, we’re shining a spotlight on the hottest new karaoke tracks added to our catalog. Check out the songs that have quickly become crowd favorites and keep the festive vibes alive with these must-sing hits!
New additions in December
We added 318 new songs in December - that's over 10 new songs per day, including a 118 Bollywood songs, 55 Hip Hop tracks, and 40 new Christmas tunes!
☃️Support Hours
We're back to regular business, with one exception—our Support Team will be unavailable on January 6th for Epiphany.