Singa song catalog

Singa's catalog has over 100 000 songs, so there's something for everyone! Learn more about how to use our constantly growing music library.

Written by Daniella Lassas
Updated over a week ago

1. Language and genre filters
These filters can be found on the left side of the page. The language and genre filters allow you to search for songs in a specific language or a particular genre from Singa's selections.

2. Vocals, Duet, Plus filters
These filters let you easily find songs with support vocals, songs to sing as a duet, or songs that include the Plus feature.

  • Vocals: The song is accompanied by support vocals, that you can use if you want to have vocals to guide your singing. Note. Remember that you can turn the vocals on and off in the song settings.

  • Duet: The song is suitable for singing as a duet, that is, adapted to two singers.

  • Plus: Feature that lets you see how well you stay on the right note, by analyzing your pitch and sustaining and illustrating your performance during a song.

3. Active filters
The filters you choose will appear at the top of the page, where you can also delete them one by one or clear them all at a time.

4. Sorting
The Sort by feature is available at the top right of the page. You can use sorting to organize your search results, for example, by song title, artist name, recently added, popularity, or duration. 

5. Layout
You can choose to view the results in a compact list view or, you can select the thumbnail view.

Find the Singa song catalog here.

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