For what purposes may I use Singa Karaoke for private individuals?In what environments am I allowed to use Singa Premium?
In which countries can I use Singa?Check where in the world you can use your Singa account
Technical requirementsPlease see this for the technical specifications required to use Singa.
Supported platformsSinga’s motto is “sing anytime, anywhere”, and we try to live by it. You can use Singa on your computer, mobile device and Smart TV.
How to use Airplay with SingaTo connect Singa karaoke from your iPhone or iPad to your smart TV, you can use Airplay.
Singa with Android Smart TVHow to activate Singa in Android Smart TV?
Singa song catalogSinga's catalog has over 100 000 songs, so there's something for everyone! Learn more about how to use our constantly growing music library.
Using external display and the pop up playerCreate a better user experience with Singa karaoke using a separate display for karaoke
How do I install and login to the Apple TV app?Learn how to install Singa on your Apple TV
How to update your Singa appMake sure you are using the latest version of the app for the best experience.
Recording and saving songs with SingaIt's not possible to save or record songs with Singa, but read below what you can do instead.
Meet the all-new Singa web browser app!